Quan Wang   |   王泉

Senior Staff Software Engineer & Tech Lead Manager @ Google

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About Me


I am Quan Wang, a Senior Staff Software Engineer at Google, New York City, NY.

I lead the Hotword Modeling team and the Speaker, Voice & Language team at Google.

I am an IEEE Senior Member, and was a Machine Learning Scientist at Amazon, Boston.

I completed my Ph.D. in Computer & Systems Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, advised by Prof. Kim L. Boyer.

I completed my B.Eng. in Automation from Tsinghua University in 2010, advised by Prof. Qionghai Dai.

Awards I received include:

Contact me:

Please join me in helping children in poverty in China!



I will be giving a talk at SANE 2024 on October 17th, in Cambridge, MA.


Check out my demo of DiarizationLM: https://huggingface.co/spaces/diarizers-community/DiarizationLM-GGUF


Learn about Speaker Recognition and Speaker Diarization with me on Udemy.


  • 机器之心
  • 深蓝学院
  • 语音之家
  • 2019

    欢迎购买我的新书: 《声纹技术:从核心算法到工程实践》荣获奖项

    Tech Talks



    As a Googler

    If you are interested in applying to Google, please send your resume and interested jobs to me. I am more than glad to provide an internal referral.

    You can find jobs information at http://www.google.com/about/careers/

    Mostly we are interested in Software Engineering and Research Scientist related background.

    If you are preparing for technical interviews, my notes might be helpful (only in Chinese, sorry):